Our Story

Hi! My name is DesRay.

I am a work-from-home mom to a vibrant and active little girl which just means that I spend my days chasing her around while trying to steal moments away to get some work done on my laptop. Running a separate business in the educational field greatly impacted me to always make sure that I'm staying on top of my daughter's education and having done the research on early childhood development, it was imperative to me that I make her learning a part of our everyday play so that we are not only increasing the value of our days together but also enjoying the moments of bonding.

I often felt a bit overwhelmed and under-prepared to assist my child's development properly until I discovered flashcards. There weren't too many options on the market for the specific ones I was looking for so I created my own and when other parents expressed interest in the cards I made, I decided to invest in more education on the topic as well as create an avenue to provide these to other interested parents, caregivers and even educators.

Busy books came into play when I needed more time for my daughter to work independently while still developing the skills that we are learning and they have been a godsend. My daughter can spend long periods of time engaged with her book and I have also received positive feedback from other moms that tested the books.

I wanted to share the joy and education that my daughter was experiencing and thus Kiddily was born. My daughter has gained some impressive new skills in concentration, precision with matching items on top of each other, knowledge of colours, shapes and emotions and recognition of patterns.  These skills were not only being utilised whilst she played with her busy book or flashcards but in everyday life. 

As Kiddily, we are dedicated to increasing our offering to include other earlier development products such as our visual stimulation cards for babies but also moving into more sensory-aligned products and offering busy books in other age ranges.

Kiddily is dedicated to helping parents awaken the joy of learning in their kids by offering a range of pre-made quality, educational products ready for countless hours of learning. 

All our products are made with great love, care and attention. We are confident your family will enjoy, learn and grow with these invaluable tools.


Awaken the Joy of Learning

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